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Scriptures From Sunday: Galatians 5:13-26, 6:1-2; 1 Peter 5:8; Romans 7:21-24; James 4:11-12, 5:9; Psalms 15:1-3
Other Texts: 1Peter 2:1-3, 3:8-12; 2 Corinthians 12:20-21; Romans 1:28-32
How do you deal with clutter? What prompts you to finally get rid of “excess baggage”? How do you feel afterward? What would you like to purge from your life right now?
Galatians 5:15 advises us not to “bite” each other. Talk/think specifically about some ways that we do this in our relationships (ex. gossip).
Have you ever seen a relationship “devoured”- i.e. ruined- by negativity and divisive behavior? What happened? How might it have been prevented?
Do you resonate with the struggle described in Gal. 5:16-17 & Rom 7:21-24? How have you seen this manifest in your life? Which part of your nature are you listening to and living through most of the time? How do you know?
What stands out to you about “the effects of the corrupt nature” listed in Gal. 5:19-21? In your experience, do Jesus’ followers treat all of these things the same? Should we?
Agree or Disagree & Explain: We can tell a lot about our relationship with God by how we treat other people? How do the passages above speak to your answer?
Look at the things that grow in us when we listen to and live into our spiritual nature (Gal. 5:22-23). What stands out to you about these things? In your opinion, do Jesus’ followers focus on these qualities enough? Can we be spiritually mature without them?
Read Galatians 5:24-26. Where does the power for us to live into our spiritual nature- and clear out negative relational clutter- come from? Can we do this on our own? Is it all God’s doing? Is our will and focus involved as well?
REFLECT: What negative and divisive clutter do I need to clear out of my relationships? Is there anyone in my life I need to apologize to for the way I’ve treated them?
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