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What makes a great vacation for you? What’s the right blend of rest vs. activity, travel vs. staying put, socializing vs. solitude?
Read Psalm 133. Have you ever experienced the “living in harmony” thing? Why/how do you think that happened?
In your opinion, which is harder- staying focused on what we share in common or allowing for and celebrating our differences? Which is more important? Why?
What relationships in your life are struggling right now? What is the common focus you could appeal to?
Think of a time when you experienced relational conflict over a difference of opinion about the “right’ way to do things? Did you resolve it? If so, how? In reality, was there only one right way?
How do you feel about/respond to the idea in Romans 14 that there isn’t one “right” way for followers of Jesus to honor God? Can you think of a way you’ve seen this play out in a community of faith you are/have been a part of?
Why do you think Christians are driven to convince others that their attempts to honor God (w/diet, schedule, devotional life, etc.) are the right/best ways?
Can you think of a time where someone being very different from you has been a blessing?
Where would you fit into the Romans 12:3-8 n terms of your gifts? If it isn’t listed there, how would you describe the part you think God has for you to play in His body?
PRAY: Lord, give me the humility and determination to maintain the unity Your Spirit gives in my relationships.
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