What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving? The food? Football? Time off ? Family? All of the above? Me too. Notice anything missing from that list? Like the actual giving of thanks? Isn’t it funny that we can create a holiday around gratitude- and go to great lengths to pull it off- and still not feel or express a lot of thankfulness? For the next couple of weeks we’re trying to open our hearts up for a little “gratitude adjustment”. With a couple of tweaks from God we’ll be able to settle into a grateful place and embody the spirit of the season.
Realizing Just How Blessed We Are
The way we see things often determines the way we live our lives. Adjusting our perspective gives us a chance to live differently. They key to maintaining a grateful perspective? Realizing just how blessed we are. Of course, it’s easy to lose sight of that. Whether we’re striving for more and more- or simply trying to hold on to what we’ve got in a challenging time- it’s tempting to take our blessings for granted. The solution? Zoom out a bit. Look past “our world” to “the world”. And in global terms- every one of us is very, very blessed. For example, did you know that only 8% of the people on the planet own a car- any kind of car at all? Or that the US spends more on trash bags every year than nearly half of all countries spend on everything? Or that the same amount Americans spend on ice cream annually (about $20 billion) could be used to provide all of the world’s poorest people with clean water and basic nutrition and medical care? We’ve got a lot to be thankful for, huh?
This isn’t just true in a global scale but in our city too. Want to realize how healthy you are? Walk through a hospital today- or call a friend who is sick. Want to appreciate your home? Take a walk downtown and talk with some folks who don’t have one? Want to be grateful for your job? Listen to your friends who are stuck in the middle of a job search. If we look around a little, all of the sudden our lives look pretty good by comparison.
Realizing Why We've Been Blessed
When we see all that we have to be thankful for we might begin to feel a bit guilty. Why should we have so much when others have so little? Great question. God’s answer? We've got it so that we can share it. Check out this passage in 1 Timothy 6:17-19. The right responses to God’sblessings aren’t guilt, idolatry, or arrogance- but rather gratitude, enjoyment and generosity.
Q: What’s your favorite part of the Thanksgiving holiday? Why?
Q: How good are you at maintaining a grateful perspective? What helps you stay in or get back to that place?
Q: Where could you go or who could you spend time with this week to remind you just how blessed you are?
Q: Look back at 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Notice the ratio between God’s commands to enjoy His blessings and to share them. Why do you think it is so lopsided?
Q: What opportunities will/could you have this week to share something good in your life with someone else?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Gratitude Adjustment- Tweaking Our Perspective
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Labels: gratitude
Monday, November 17, 2008
LEANING HARD On God's Faithfulness:

Posted by
I Am Verticle
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
LEANING HARD On God's Faithfulness:

Posted by
I Am Verticle
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Does that word describe you? My guess is most of us would say no. We don't see ourselves wielding great influence- either physically, economically, socially, politically or in the workplace. Although we may not be powerful according to traditional definitions of the word, each of us has been trusted by God with power. Once Jesus told a story about a master who trusted 3 of his servants with significant sums of money before he went out of town. Take a minute and read it HERE. While it is possible to read this story and take away a lesson about God trusting us with money, I think this parable also describes an exchange of power. Specifically the master trusts each servant with several different kinds of power- much as God does with us.
When the master puts his money in his servant's care, he is giving them a chance- to do well, to prove themselves, to impress, to advance. We're not told how many employees this man had, or if every one of them got this opportunity. But these three did. Funny thing about opportunity- when it surrounds you, you can't really appreciate it. My wife was talking to a friend last week who was wishy-washy about whether or not they'd accept free tickets to the Superbowl this year. Why were they debating an opportunity many would jump on? This friend can go pretty much any year they want. This opportunity is almost a given for them. That's the danger most of us face. We are surrounded by opportunities that many around the globe would drool over. Education is a given in our country. Did you know that only 1% of the world has a college education? Information is a mouse click away on the internet. Would it surprise you to hear that about 1% of the world owns a computer? Even in an uncertain economy, we can find work. Would you believe that an income of $50K per year would rank you in the top 1% of the wealthiest people on the planet? (By the way, the median income for US households in 2007? $50,233.)
"I want to be the boss." We've all said it- either under our breath or out loud. We've wished for positions of leadership and authority. The servants in Jesus' story were trusted with this kind of power. They were put in charge. They could lead in any direction they saw fit. I don't know if any of them felt capable, but their master thought they were. And God must think the same of us since most of us have been given responsibility. We are being trusted to lead someone or something- at home, at work, at school, in our circle of friends, in our church communities, etc. How are we handling this power? Are we taking our best shot at it like two of the servants in the story- or are we abdicating our responsibility like the third?
When the master returns, he evaluates how well each servant handled the opportunity and responsibility he trusted them with. The reward? Relationship. They gained the master's trust and grew closer to him- which seems to have been the master's goal all along. Ever stop to think that the Creator of the universe wants a relationship with you? So much that He'd give His own life to make it happen? Do we realize that God wants to pour His power into our lives- to save us, change us, encourage us, and empower us to live for Him? Need a reminder? Check out just a few of the things the New Testament says about God's power:
I'm not ashamed of the Good News. It is God's POWER to save everyone who believes, Jews first and Greeks as well. (Romans 1:16)REFLECT/TALK:
God's kingdom is not just talk, it is POWER. (1Corinthians 4:20)
Glory belongs to God, whose POWER is at work in us. By this POWER he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
Finally, receive your POWER from the Lord and from His mighty strength. (Ephesians 6:10)
With this in mind, we always pray that our God will make you worthy of his call. We also pray that through his POWER he will help you accomplish every good desire and help you do everything your faith produces. (2 Thessalonians 1:11)
God didn't give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of POWER, love, and good judgment. (2 Timothy 1:7)
God's divine POWER has given us everything we need for life and for godliness. This POWER was given to us through knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and integrity. (2 Peter 1:3)
Q: _________ is power. Put as many words as you can in this blank. Which describe traditional forms of power? Which describe more subtle forms of power?
Q: Which of the three kinds of power described above speaks most about what God is trusting you with right now? Why?
Q: What opportunities has God given you in the last week? Month? Year? Which have you been seizing? Which have you been taking for granted?
Q: Who/what has God made you responsible for right now? At home? At work? In your relationships? In our church community? In other volunteer roles? In each of these situations are you acting more like the two servants who embraced the responsibility and took a shot at investing the master's money- or like the one who was overwhelmed by it and buried the money?
Q: Go back to the verses above about God's power and us. Which speaks most strongly to you and why?
Q: Do you think much about the access you've got to/via a relationship with the God of the entire Universe? How have you seen God's power work in your life? How do you want to see God's power work in your life?
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Monday, November 03, 2008
Labels: God trusting us, power