Monday, April 27, 2009

Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:7, 9:10-13; Ephesians 2:1-10; Jude 20-23; James 2:8-9, 12-13; 1 Cor. 7:25

Q: Who/what do you find yourself rooting for? Why?

Q: Do you think of yourself as a person who is sinful and needs mercy? Or are you more prone to brush aside your shortcomings by saying that you’re only human and no one is perfect?

Q: Take a look at the Ephesians 2 passage. What words/phrases jump out to you and why?

Q: Have you ever hard a hard time rooting for yourself to find/receive God’s mercy? Does it help to know that no one deserves or can earn God’s love and forgiveness?

Q: Revisit Matthew 9:10-13 and Jude 20-23. Why do you think these passages instruct God’s people to “show mercy” to those who are far from God?

Q: In your experience, do Christians generally treat people who disagree with them with kindness? What might it look like for Jesus’ followers to root for others to find mercy?

FOR NEXT WEEK:  FOCUS: “Living Humbly With God”

Sunday, April 19, 2009

FOCUS: "Doing The Right Thing"


Q: Do you think there is any significance to God leading off His instructions in Micah 6:8 with “do the right thing” instead of “live humbly with your God”? If so, what do you think God was trying to communicate?

Q: Do you associate obedience with a loving relationship? Why? Why not?

Q: Why do you think God would rather have us do what He says than have us offer sacrifices? Why do you think we tend to want to offer sacrifices more than obedience?

Q: Why do you think God cares so much about those suffering injustice? If He cares so much, why does He involve us in setting things right instead of just doing it Himself?

Q: What are some issues of injustice today that followers of Jesus ought to be addressing?

FOR NEXT WEEK:  FOCUS: “Loving Mercy”

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Life Week 15 "Raised Up"

John 20-21

Q: Were you able to focus on the suffering of Jesus last week? If so, how did it affect the way you anticipated and experienced Easter?

Q: Have you ever been in a situation that you felt was hopeless? What happened?

Q: Why do you think it took several attempts for God to get through to Mary on Easter morning? Has Jesus ever “called your name” like He did to cut through Mary’s grief?

Q: When was the last time we saw Thomas in John’s account of Jesus life? What was your opinion of him then? Do you think Thomas is a skeptic in Jn 21- or just a guy with questions?

Q: In your opinion, is Thomas’ request to experience what the other disciples did reasonable or not?

Q: What does Peter’s presence with the other disciples after his denial and his reaction to seeing Jesus on the beach tell you about his love for Jesus?

New teaching series starts!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Life Week 14: "Lifted Up"

John 19

1. Jesus is condemned. (John 19:1-16a)

2. Jesus carries His cross. (John 19:16b-17)

3.Jesus is stripped. (John 19:23-24)

4. Jesus is nailed to the cross. (John 19:18-22)

5. Jesus dies on the cross. (John 19:28-30)

6. Jesus’ body is taken down. (John 19:31-40)

7. Jesus is buried (John 19:41-42)

Q: Have you ever let yourself emotionally experience the suffering of Jesus before? How? What happened?

Q: In your opinion, is it possible to fully appreciate the joy of Jesus’ resurrection without dwelling on Jesus’ death?

Q: Which of the stations of the cross in John 19 impacted you most? Why?

John 20-21

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Life Week 13: "Prayer, Power & Patience"


Q: What is your busiest/craziest season of the year? How do you change during that time? Are there any “less than beautiful” traits that surface when you are overwhelmed?

Q: When you are stressed and swamped do you pray more for others or for yourself and your circumstances? What does it say to you that Jesus prayed for us as He was facing His death?

Q: What kinds of things do you pray for others? How do they compare with what Jesus asked God for us in John 17?

Q: What do you learn about Jesus from the way He handles His betrayal and arrest in John 18:1-11? Are you more drawn to Jesus’ overt or subtle/humble displays of power?

Q: What do you think prompts Peter to deny Jesus? What might he have been thinking?

Q: Jesus predicted Peter’s denial less than 12 hours ago? How has Peter forgotten about this already? What does this tell us about our need to take in and hold onto Jesus’ words- esp. in challenging times?