Sunday, June 28, 2009

The "F" Word: We're Afraid of GOD


Isaiah 6:1-8; Exodus 33; 1 John 4:9-10, 17-21; 1 Peter 1:17-21


Q: Can you think of an example of something you thought was cool from a distance, but scary up close?

Q: Have you ever had an experience that left you awestruck by God’s presence, holiness or glory? What happened?

Q: What do you think lies behind Moses’ request to see more of God’s glory? Should we be praying for the same thing?

Q: Comparing our sins to others often leaves us feeling ok to with ourselves. What happens when Isaiah sees His sin in the light of God’s glory and holiness? Do you think we need the same experience sometimes? If so, how could we get a taste of this?

Q: God’s grace moved Isaiah and us away from the fear of judgment and punishment and towards something else. How would you describe the kind of fear Christians are supposed to have? (See 1 Peter 1:13-21 for some help.)

Q: Do you agree that many followers of Jesus get too comfortable and casual with Jesus and His grace? If so, how can we strike a balance between intimate love and reverent respect in our daily lives with God?


“The Free & The Brave”

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The "F" Word: We're Afraid of FAITH

SCRIPTURES FROM SUNDAY:  Hebrews 11, 12 & 13:1-5


Q: What’s your favorite story of faith in the Bible?  What’s the biggest leap of faith you’ve ever taken yourself?

Q: Agree or Disagree & Explain:  “People live by faith every day whether they believe in God or not.”

Q: Do you think your faith in God would be stronger if you could literally see or hear Him?  How does this mesh with Hebrews 12:18-24 (and similar stores in the Bible)?

Q: Do you think faith and fear are exclusive?  Look back at the people and situations described in Hebrews 11:32-35a.  Do you think those heroes of faith experienced fear while trusting God?  Why or why not?

Q: Which scares you more- that God will ask you to do the “big” stuff (like going to another country, selling all you have, etc) or that He wants you to trust Him with your daily life (see Hebrews 12:14-17, 13:1-5)?

Q: How do you feel about what you read in Hebrews 11:35b-40?  How do you think these folks 5 minutes after they left this life and stood in God’s presence?

Q: Look back at Hebrews 12:1-4.  While phrases/ideas speak most to your life right now.  If faith leads us to take action (like in Hebrews 11)- what is your next step of faith?

“We’re Afraid of God”

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The "F" Word: We're Afraid For Our Kids

Proverbs 22:6, 5 & 7, 15; 29:15; 19:18; 23:13-14; 13:24; 3:11-12; Deuteronomy 11:18-21

Q: Agree or Disagree: “Being responsible to raise a child is one of the scarier tasks on the planet.”

Q: This week’s key passage (Proverbs 22:6) suggests that our kids need training because they won’t always choose the right way. Do you agree with this? Or lean more to the idea that kids will be just fine if we let them figure things out on their own?

Q: The Bible seems pretty clear that parents are responsible to guide their children. Does it seem to you like many parents today seem reluctant to do so? Or want to pass the buck and expect someone else (schools, society, church, etc.) to do this for them?

Q: In your mind, is there a difference between teaching a child a set of beliefs about God and starting them in a way of life spent loving God and following Jesus? Which seems like more work? Which do you think has a better chance of sticking? Which seems truer to the Bible?

Q: Most parents realize that at some point their kids will choose their own way in life. Which seems more realistic to you: an adult coming back to a life with God that they were started in as a child OR an adult who was never shown how to live with God figuring it out later in life?

Q: If you are a parent, what do you hear God saying to you through these scriptures and the teaching conversation?

Q: If you don’t currently have any kids of your own, what do you hear God saying to you about how you can support those you know who do?

Q: What- if anything- does this conversation about parenting show you about your relationship with God as your Heavenly parent?

“We’re Afraid of Faith”