Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Life Week 13: "Prayer, Power & Patience"


Q: What is your busiest/craziest season of the year? How do you change during that time? Are there any “less than beautiful” traits that surface when you are overwhelmed?

Q: When you are stressed and swamped do you pray more for others or for yourself and your circumstances? What does it say to you that Jesus prayed for us as He was facing His death?

Q: What kinds of things do you pray for others? How do they compare with what Jesus asked God for us in John 17?

Q: What do you learn about Jesus from the way He handles His betrayal and arrest in John 18:1-11? Are you more drawn to Jesus’ overt or subtle/humble displays of power?

Q: What do you think prompts Peter to deny Jesus? What might he have been thinking?

Q: Jesus predicted Peter’s denial less than 12 hours ago? How has Peter forgotten about this already? What does this tell us about our need to take in and hold onto Jesus’ words- esp. in challenging times?


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