If you missed the teaching conversation, you can find it HERE.
Q: Does any part of this story strike you funny when you first read it? What? Why?
Q: How would you summarize Jesus’ view of death from this passage? How does that compare to how you feel about and respond to death (not what you “believe” about it)?
Q: What (if any) opinions did you have of Thomas and Martha before this chapter? What do you think of them now? Does one impress you more than the other? If so, why?
Q: Have you ever hit a time where you questioned God and His love for you because things got hard or suffering came? What did you learn about God and your faith through those situations? Based on what you saw from Jesus in this story, how do you think God felt about your pain?
Q: Do you agree that many people seem to believe that following Jesus means that life will get easy and they’ll be protected from all suffering? How does this compare to what happened to Jesus Himself? To what He says about the life He is inviting us into?
John 12