Friday, February 27, 2009

The Life Week 9: "This Is Helping?"

If you missed the teaching conversation, you can find it HERE.



Q: Does any part of this story strike you funny when you first read it? What? Why?

Q: How would you summarize Jesus’ view of death from this passage? How does that compare to how you feel about and respond to death (not what you “believe” about it)?

Q: What (if any) opinions did you have of Thomas and Martha before this chapter? What do you think of them now? Does one impress you more than the other? If so, why?

Q: Have you ever hit a time where you questioned God and His love for you because things got hard or suffering came? What did you learn about God and your faith through those situations? Based on what you saw from Jesus in this story, how do you think God felt about your pain?

Q: Do you agree that many people seem to believe that following Jesus means that life will get easy and they’ll be protected from all suffering? How does this compare to what happened to Jesus Himself? To what He says about the life He is inviting us into?

John 12

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Life Week 8: "Identity Confirmation Pt. 2"



Q: Why do you think Jesus was so fond of using word pictures when He taught? Do these help you? If so, how?

Q: What do you take away from Jesus’ pictures of sheep, gates, and shepherds? What is Jesus telling us about identity (his and ours) and the relationship between us?

Q: Who/what do you think are the “thieves” that prey upon Jesus’ sheep and try to steal the life He wants to give them? Who/what have the thieves been in your relationship with God?

Q: What does the shepherd do for the sheep? What do the sheep do in response to the shepherd?

Q: What do you need most from the shepherd today? What do you need to do in response to Him?


Trying praying Psalm 23 every day and read John 11 before next Sunday.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Life Week 7: "I See"

If you missed Sunday's conversation, you can find the podcast HERE.


John 9


Q: Have you ever struggled with the question of why bad things happen if God is in control?  What’s your usual response?  What have you heard others say? Does John 9 shed any light on this issue for you?

Q: Why do you think Jesus chose to use spit, dirt and a face washing to heal this man when Jesus has healed with just a word in other situations?

Q: How do you feel about what the blind man’s parents did in this story?  Can you imagine being in their shoes?

Q: Re-read John 9 and note the blind man’s progression of ideas about/faith in Jesus.  Write them down.  What does this say to you about faith and your own journey?

Q: How has Jesus changed the way you see God, yourself and the world?  What has He opened your eyes to?  Take some time to pray and thank Him.

Q: What are some areas that you still have blind spots in?   Ask God to show you what He wants you to see.

John 10

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Life Week 6: "Who Believes?"

John 7

Q: In this chapter we find out that Jesus’ brothers aren’t supportive of what He is saying and doing. Have you ever had your family react the same way to you? Does your experience help you understand how Jesus might have felt?

Q: The crowds have a variety of opinions about Jesus. Some come from a misunderstanding of his birthplace. Jesus could have cleared this up easily. Why didn’t he?

Q: In John 7 the religious leaders make multiple attempts to arrest Jesus, but are thwarted by God. What does this say to us about God’s level of watchfulness over and involvement in Jesus’ life? Do you think He does the same thing with us?

Q: Who do you relate to most in this story & why? Jesus’ unbelieving family? Those in the crowds who have questions or are confused about Jesus? The soldiers who are captivated by His words? The religious leaders who want Jesus out of the way? Those in the crowds who believe?

Q: In our teaching on Sunday we discussed some things we can try if we want our faith in Jesus to grow: paying attention to what Jesus is doing and saying (Jn 7:44-51), checking our motives (Jn 7:16-18), working on our questions/doubts (Jn 7:40-43), and trying Jesus’ ways out for ourselves (Jn 8:30-32). Which would be a good next step for you in your journey with Jesus?

Monday, February 2, 2009

The Life Week 5 "Tough to Swallow?"


John 6


Q: In this chapter we’re told that Jesus decided to test His followers’ faith.  Do you think God has ever tested you?  How?

Q: How do you think Jesus felt about His disciples’ lack of faith?  How do you think Jesus feels/responds when we let Him down?

Q: Jesus tells the crowds the truth about themselves- they’re only seeking Him because they want another free meal.  What has Jesus been honest with you about lately?  Did you like hearing that?

Q: Even though the crowd initially came to see miracles or eat free food, Jesus calls them to more.  What initially brought you to Jesus?  Has Jesus called you to move beyond that?

Q: Jesus describes himself as the “source of life” (light, bread, water, etc.) and offers us His life to sustain us.  Does this fit your picture of your relationship with Jesus?  If not, how would you describe it?

John 7 & 8:12-59