Monday, March 23, 2009

The Life Week 12: "Life With(out) Jesus"


Q: List all of the transitions you’ve made in the past 2 years. Do you enjoy change? Why/Not? What do you do to cope with it?

Q: Why do you think Jesus warns His friends that things may get rough for them after He leaves? Do you think churches talk enough these days about the challenges that come with following Jesus?

Q: Name a “less than ideal” situation you lived with because you knew it was only temporary and would come to an end. What’s your max. capacity for these kinds of transitions (6mos, 1year, etc.)?

Q: Do you think most followers of Jesus think more about being reunited with Jesus in heaven- or living life on earth now? What kind of balance between these perspectives do you think would be healthy?

Q: What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit? Do you ever sense His involvement in your day-to-day life? What does that look/feel like for you?

Q: Do these chapters shed any light on why people who want to follow Jesus should pray regularly? What do you think about the connection Jesus makes between love and obedience?

Q: Why do you think Jesus’ primary command in his last moments is for His friends to love each other? Have you ever experienced the love of God through another person? If so, give an example.

FOR NEXT WEEK:  John 18-19

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Life Week 11 "Servant Of All"



Q: Have you ever had a job where all the menial, grunt work fell to you? What did you have to do? What was that like?

Q: Do you like the fact that Jesus was unpredictable and at times confusing? Why/why not? Do you find the idea of a “humble God” appealing? Why/why not?

Q: What might lie behind Peter’s sporadic reaction when Jesus started to wash his feet?

Q: How does Jesus’ view and example of leadership compare to what our culture teaches us on the topic? Which are more attractive to you and why?

Q: Do you think Jesus was instituting foot washing as a literal practice for the church to continue in all times/cultures- or calling us to roll up our sleeves and serve each other however we might? Why?

Q: What does this story tell you about Jesus’ ability to love us despite our shortcomings?

FOR NEXT WEEK:  John 14-17

Monday, March 9, 2009

Worship, Fanfare, & Confusion

If you missed the teaching conversation, you can find it HERE


Q:  When you think about Mary pouring a years' salary - approximately $30,000 worth of perfume - on Jesus' feet, what comes to mind? How would you have reacted if you were on of the disciples watching?

Q: By pouring out the perfume on Jesus' feet, what do you think Mary was ultimately expressing to Jesus?

Q: Why do you think Jesus didn't respond to the underlining truth of Judas' objection in verse 5? What can we learn from Jesus' response?

Q: Like Judas, have you ever been really involved with the things of God (church, Bible study, playing on the worship team, serving in the nursery, etc.) and felt as though you had never really experience Him? How did it make you feel? What did you do about?

Q: Why do you think people were so intrigued by Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? What made this miracle unlike others He did? Ultimately, what do you think this miracle stated about Jesus? 

Q: What kind of king was the crowd at Jerusalem expecting Jesus to be? How did their expectations measure up to Jesus' actions in verse 14? 

Q:  Even after all that Jesus said and did, John tells us many people still didn't put their trust in Jesus. In verse 37-40, why does John say they still wouldn't believe? Wy is an "open heart" so important to our understanding of Jesus?