Sunday, May 17, 2009

The "F" Word: We're Afraid of Losing Control

Genesis 11:1-9; 4:6-7; 6:5-7; 9:1-7, Romans 8:5-9, Ephesians 1:22-23, Colossians 3:12-15

Q: How have you worked to build a sense of control, identity and security in your life?

Q: Why do you think God was displeased with the construction project in Genesis 11?

Q: When was the last time your sense of control was scattered? What happened? How did it feel? What did you learn?

Q: “When we try to control our worlds, we often lose control of our selves.” Agree or disagree & explain.

Q: Which is harder in your opinion- controlling your world- or yourself? Why?

Q: If Romans 8 is right and we are either controlled by our spiritual nature or our corrupt one- which is running your life right now? Is that the way you want it?

PODCAST:  Did you miss Sunday's teaching conversation?  Catch the audio HERE.

“We're Afraid of the Future”

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The "F" Word: Fearing Trouble



Q: When you were a child, what were you most afraid of? What did you rely on for comfort or security?

Q: What do you find you’re most afraid of today? How have these fears affected your life?

Q: After reading how the apostles responded to their suffering in Acts 5:41, how does this compare to your typical response to hardship?

Q: How does it make you feel to know that there is value and purpose to your suffering? Can you identify how dealing with hardship has produced character in your own life?

Q: Paul makes clear that when we place our hope in hopeless things, we will never be hopeful. Can your remember a time when you placed your hope in uncertain things? What happened?

Q: By taking an honest look at your life today, do you think you’ve placed your hope in things that will eventually fail you? If so, what steps can you begin taking today to ensure you keep your hope in God?

Monday, May 4, 2009

FOCUS: "Living Humbly With Your God"

Micah 6:6-8; Leviticus 26:3-12; James 2:18-20; Luke 9:23

Q: Which is more attractive to you- Believing in God- or Living with God? Why? Which is tougher? Gets more emphasis in churches?

Q: In your opinion, it is possible to live with God without humility? What does humble faith look like? What does faith without humility look like? Lead to?

Q: What are some other prepositions we like to use when it comes to God? Is there anything better than being WITH God?

Q: When did you “make God your God”? How did you express your desire to Him? Have you had other times in your life where you wanted to mark a fresh commitment to live humbly with Him? Is that a healthy thing in your opinion?

Q: Which of these 4 words/phrases (LIVE/HUMBLY/WITH/YOUR GOD) stands out the most to you right now and why? What invitation do you hear from God to respond to these phrases?