“Someday I’m gonna ________.”
What’s in your blank? Goals? (get my degree.) Procrastinations? (open that 401K.) Ignored priorities? (work less and see my kids more.) Chances are we all have multiple “somethings” for that blank. What would Jesus interject into this conversation? “That someday you are waiting for- is TODAY. Someday is NOW. Especially when it comes to God.”
MATTHEW 25 @ 30,000 FEET
Flying back and forth to Raleigh, I’m finding things to like about the commute- like the instant change in perspective. Things look much different at cruising altitude than at ground level. If we want to understand why “someday in NOW”, we need to see Matthew 25 from a broad perspective. Take a few minutes to read this chapter like you are looking down from 30K feet. Don’t worry about details- listen for the main idea.
What do you hear? What is Jesus talking about in these 3 stories? Notice any recurring themes? My take? Jesus explains the Kingdom of Heaven to us by comparing it to an authority figure WHO IS AWAY. Those who are accountable to Him are dealt with based on what they did WHILE HE WAS AWAY.
We tend to think that Heaven starts someday after we die. Jesus says we are living in the Kingdom of Heaven today- while the bridegroom is gone, the master is away and Jesus is waiting to return. Although there’s a pending wedding feast, homecoming and judgment day to come when everything is fully consummated- we are in the Kingdom of Heaven right now.
Not sure? Check out Matthew 11:12, 12:28 & Mark 9:1. In each verse, Jesus discusses the Kingdom of Heaven in present tense. And He spoke those words 2000 years ago. What if Jesus is serious? What are the implications of living in the Kingdom of Heaven here and now? Good questions.
As the plane descends, perspective shifts. Wide angle becomes telephoto. Forest becomes individual trees. To understand what it means to live in the Kingdom of Heaven today, we need to zoom in a bit on the stories in Matthew 25.
In the wedding story, why did the groom refuse entrance to some bridesmaids? He didn’t know them. Some conclude the the point of Jesus' Kingdom is to punch tickets to Heaven. I don't buy that. Jesus wants people to go to Heaven- but He came for more-to restore relationships. Jesus came to bring a ruined, rebellious creation back to it's Creator. And the time for that relationship with God is today. We don't have to wait until we die to know and love God. You and I can look into the eyes of our Maker and embrace Him today. How? Jesus knew we would ask.
When Jesus tells 3 consecutive stories, He isn't just filling space. The yarns in Mt 25 are strung together intentionally. As I read them, the final story helps flesh out the first two. As the Good Shepherd talks about sheep and goats, He tells us how we can know and love Him while we walk the earth. When we engage people in need, we engage Jesus. When we love and serve them, we love and serve Him. What if this is really true? It means that our relationship with the groom/master/shepherd can happen even while He is away. And we tend to think we're the ones helping those in need!
In 2nd story, what does the master judge his servants on when he returns? The work they did while He was gone. What work has Jesus left us? Spreading His message. What is the message of Jesus? "Go to heaven and avoid hell"? (SIGH) God Almighty forbid that we accept or propagate something so shabby. The message of Jesus is RESTORATION. Sin wrecked creation. The painful effects are everywhere. Jesus came to put things back as they were meant to be. And we can help. In the final story, Jesus' applauds certain actions- feeding hungry folks, tending to sick people, etc. What do these things have in common? They scream restoration. God didn't make a world that included hunger, thirst, evil or illness. We let that crap in. Now Jesus bids us to pull these weeds wherever we find them. He'll plow the whole thing up and replant it eventually. Until then, we do our part of the Kingdom work.
So here I sit- typing in the Kingdom of heaven. There you sit- reading in the Kingdom of heaven. Talk about a perspective shift! Sorry, I'd love to talk some more, but I've got Kingdom relationships to build and Kingdom work to do. Wanna join me?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Someday Is Now (Counterintuitive Week 5)
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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