I've waited tables a time or two in my life. The most frustrating part of the job for me wasn't the hard-to-please customers, or the constant multi-tasking. It was the feeling that I had too many people to really serve well. Waiting tables taught me that it really bugs me when I can't give my best effort at a job. If only the same thing carried over in my life with God. It did for a man named Cornelius. He was doing his best to honor God- cultivating a devout and respectful attitude and backing it up with his actions of generosity and prayer.
The idea that God is always watching us can feel a bit creepy to some of us. But what if God is watching because He is hoping to catch us doing good? God notices that Cornelius is doing his best and sends a messenger to invite him to take another step of faith.
Doing our best may show God our hearts, but it doesn't completely close the distance between us and a Holy, Awesome God. That's where our Maker steps in and closes the distance between us. Knowing better than we do that our goodness will only get us so far- He closes the gap for us. Read through Acts 10 and notice what happens for Peter. Peter is one of the most famous followers and servants of Jesus. Yet, he needs help. God uses a trip to Cornelius' house to expand Peter's understanding of God's heart and plan. And then there's Cornelius. He's done his best to honor God. Then God sends Peter to fill in Cornelius' gaps- inviting him to experience the peace, forgiveness and relationship that Jesus came to bring.
Q: Cornelius' desire to honor God was obvious (even to other people) by his actions. Is the same thing true about us? How does our relationship with God get lived out?
Q: In this story God challenges some of Peter's religious traditions and asks him to leave them behind. What have you been taught about God that you might need to leave behind to know/love/serve Him more?
Q: God teaches Peter by giving him a vision, allowing him to meet some people who were very different from him- and allowing Peter to figure things out for himself. Cornelius is also asked to take steps of faith to send for Peter, but then is given a clear message and a powerful spiritual experience. Whose interaction with God describes the kind you are hoping for? Which do you think would help you reach your next Turning Point with Jesus?
Q: What happens in this story that describes some of the challenges you are facing? Pursuing God consistently? Taking steps of faith when God doesn't tell you what will happen next? Having your understanding of God stretched? Being sent to places and people you've never expected to go? Something else
Q: Peter gets prepped for his new mission (of interacting with Gentiles) just before God sends him out to do it. What has been happening in your life lately that might be preparation for some work God has for you to do?
Sunday, June 29, 2008
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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Labels: Acts 10, good works
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