So far in this teaching series we've explored the idea that God gives us the gifts of time and different seasons of life. Both are beautiful things, but also worthless without the gift we'll discuss today- our bodies. God trusts each of us with our bones, skin, muscles, blood, arteries, etc. What would it mean to take care of this physical form that is on loan to us? I'm going to say that pursuing health sounds like reasonable answer.
A HEALTHY BODY IMAGEWhat do you see when you look in the mirror? A good gift from God? Or something that you'd label defective? Studies show that the majority of us don't like our bodies much. Based on what the Scriptures say, I think God has a much higher opinion of our physical forms than we do. The human body might be one of God's most amazing and complex designs. If we are going to take care of our bodies, we're going to have to begin thinking about them differently- and maybe seeing them with God eyes.
After Jesus came, some people of faith started to debate the nature of our physical forms. Some said that our "flesh" is evil, but that our spirits are good. One argument against this line of thinking is the fact that Jesus took on a human body-just like ours- but never sinned. Jesus described His body as a temple where God lived. Jesus body was the perfect sacrifice to make things right between God and all us rebellious people. When Jesus rose from the dead, He didn't just appear as an apparition, but took His physical body back. Apparently, the physical form wasn't a bad thing for Jesus. And it isn't for us either. If the Bible is telling us the truth, then our bodies can be homes for God as well- whether we think we/they are good enough or not.Of course our bodies have limitations. They are degrading. Most of us hit our physical peak in our late 20's/early 30's and it just goes downhill from there. Of course, these forms aren't meant to last forever. God has even better plans for us. Not only are our bodies given a limited life span, but they also can't give a complete representation of who we are. We are more than the sum of our appearance and vital stats. Gratefully, the inside counts just as much if not more than the outside with God.
A HEALTHY LIFESTYLEWhile it is important that we begin to see our bodies as good gifts from God- regardless of their conformity to false standards of beauty/perfection- we need more than healthy thinking. We need healthy living. Most of us know that a better diet, more exercise, proper rest and good medical care would improve our health. So why don't we do it? Maybe we're lacking a little motivation. Sure, we could talk about improved energy now or being around to see the grandkids have kids. But what if we upped the ante and saw the way we treat our physical bodies as a deeply spiritual issue? The way I treat my body is one measure of my gratitude to God. Ever thought about a healthy food choice, a half hour on the treadmill or turning off the tv to get in bed early as a sign of respect for God? I'd say it is. Pursuing a healthy lifestyle also puts me in a better position to be able to serve God and sieze the opportunities He gives me over the long haul. Stewardship means managing all of the resources God trusts us with- including our health. Finally, the bodies we are walking around in are our only vehicles to take this journey of life with. How would we treat our cars if we were only given one and had to make it last a lifetime? (I'd probably start changing my oil more often!)
Q: What is your first thought when you look in the mirror at your body? How often/do you ever see your body as a good gift from God?
Q: Have you ever thought about how important it was for Jesus to have, sacrifice and resurrect a physical body like ours? What does this say to you about our bodies?
Q: Have you ever connected the way you treat your body with your relationship with God? Do you tend to separate the physical or spiritual or see them as deeply entertwined? Take another peek at 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.
Q: Are you more prone to neglect or obsess about your body? Where are you doing well when it comes to taking care of this body God has given you? Where do you need to start making more healthy choices?
Try It: Each time you make a healty choice with regard to diet, exercise, rest, rx care of the use of your body, say a quick prayer and offer it God as an act of grattitude for the body He has given you.
Try It: Pray about different parts of your body (ex. hands, mind, mouth ,ears, etc.) Ask God to help you to use them in ways that please Him and bless your neighbors. Feel free to share any of your prayers using the comments feature below.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Labels: God trusting us, health
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