Sunday, August 30, 2009

Invest Yourself In Your Relationship With God


Colossians 1:20-22, Matthew 13:44-46, John 15:1-11


Q: What’s the largest amount of money you would accept from someone if they were paying you in pennies?

Q: Do you really want the things you say you want in life? Does it show in the way you invest your energy, time, etc.?

Q: What do you think/feel about the idea that what God really wanted was us? Think or talk about all that He invested to be able to bring us back to Himself.

Q: Do you relate to Jesus’ imagery of a Vineyard? Do you have any experience with growing a garden or something similar? If this imagery doesn’t hit home for you, what picture would you paint to describe the relationship Jesus offers us?

Q: Of the three ways Jesus mentions in John 15 that we can invest in our relationship with God (submission, obedience & dependence) which is the hardest for you? The easiest? Which seems like it could be most timely for you?

Q: Do you usually associate “obedience” with “love” and “joy”? If you did, how might it change your relationship with God?

TRY IT: Invest in your relationship with God by attempting one or more of the following this week:

· Stay focused on Jesus by praying a simple prayer whenever you think of it throughout the day. Write a sentence that captures something you want to say to God, or use this one:

“God, help me to stay connected to you today.”

· Think about and write down your thoughts to the following questions:

1. How has God been shaping me lately? What is there in my life he’d like to prune away?

2. Jesus says that I live in His love by obeying Him. Is there something that God has been calling me to do in obedience that I’ve been ignoring for a while?

3. As the Vine, Jesus says that He’s the source of life for us (the branches). Where do I need His strength in my life right now?

· Take a “prayer walk” by yourself and use the time to talk with and listen to God.

· Read Luke 8:40-56. What do you learn from the way these folks pursued Jesus? From the way Jesus responded to them?

“Invest Yourself In A Spiritual Family

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Missing Ingredient Week 3


1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-7, 31, 13:4-7, 8-13; 1 John 3:1-2, 11, 14, 16, 4:7-8; Ephesians 3:14-19.


Q: How do you decide which new recipes you’ll cook at home? Do the number of steps or ingredients play a role in your decisions?

Q: Look back at 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Does this recipe for love seem simple or complex? Easy or demanding? Do you think this might have something to do with love (as described here) being a missing ingredient in the lives of some of Jesus’ followers and churches?

Q: 1 Corinthians 13:8-13 compares love with knowledge, understanding and spiritual gifts. How does love fare when held up to these things? Why do you think that is?

Q: The followers of Jesus in Corinth who first received this letter were very excited about having the “best” spiritual gifts (see 1st Corinthians 12) and needed to be reminded that love was more universal, important, effective and long lasting. What kinds of things do followers of Jesus get obsessed with today instead of love? (Ex. Having the best worship music.)

Q: We often think of knowledge and revelation as key components of understanding and knowing God. 1 Corinthians 13 suggests that our knowledge and insights are temporary and incomplete and that love helps us understand God in a deeper and longer lasting way. How can that be? What insights do 1 John 4:7-8 and Ephesians 3:14-19 give you about this?


Pray through Ephesians 3:14-21 several times this week.


New Teaching Series Starts!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Drifting: Part Two

Part Two: Getting the Right Directions
Teacher: Shawn Cooper

SCRIPTURES FROM SUNDAY: 1 Kings 2:1-4, Matthew 6:32-33

Q: If you had one last chance to share with someone important to you, what would you want to tell them? Do you think the focus of that conversation would reflect what you wish had spent more time focusing on in life? Why?

Q: Have you ever felt like your life was more focused on God's rules than God Himself? What do you think happens we we get so focused on rules that we lose focus on God?

Q: Why do you think David tells Solomon to "observe what the Lord your God requires" before he tells him to obey Him? What does it mean to observe?

Q: Do you find yourself struggling to trust God? Why do you think this is?

Q: Do ever feel like your struggle to trust God leads to disobedience? General example: You know you should give financially as an act of worship, but you fear that if you give, God won't provide the money you need to pay your bills.

Q: How does it make you feel to know that God blesses your life when you live by His design? How has God proved this in your life already?

Q: Read Matthew 6:32-34. How do you think your life would be different if you made a point to seek Him first, before making decisions or forming plans?

Q: What is it in your life that your "running after" instead of seeking God first?


1. Each day this week, before the you get started, take a few minutes to ask God to keep you mindful of Matthew 6:32-34 throughout the day.
2. Before your schedule fills up this week, create a plan and secure some time each day to spend with God. Commit to this time as the most important "appointment" of your day.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Drifting: Part One

The Problem With Auto-Pilot

SCRIPTURES FROM SUNDAY: 1 Kings 3:5-28 &11:4, Ecclesiastes 1:2, James 1:14-15

Q: When you pray, what do you typically ask God for?

Q: If you were Solomon, and God offered to give you anything you wanted, what would you asked for? How might your response to God be different than Solomon’s?

Q: Solomon’s life started out so well, but somewhere along his journey, it took a dramatic turn to a tragic finish. In your own words, how is it possible that Solomon started off so well in life only to end in such dark and painful place, far from God?

Q: Do you ever feel like Solomon’s story reminds you of your own life? If so, why do you think that is?

Take a few minutes to watch Casting Crowns’ music video, Slow Fade:

Q: Why do you think this song speaks to so many people today? How do you think the message of this song relates to Solomon’s life? How about yours?

Go back and read James 1:14-15 again.

Q: Why do you think James warns us so boldly about sin and its consequence? Think about God’s desire to protect us.

Q: James uses some strong imagery – that, like a fish, we are all tempted to bite the “hooks” in our lives. What “hooks” are in your life? What are most tempted to bite?

Q: Do you feel like your life is on autopilot today? Do you feel like you’ve been drifting in your life (relationship with God, marriage, finances, parenting, etc.)?

Q: How does it feel to know you can never separate yourself from the love of God – that no matter what you’ve done, or how far you’ve drifted, God is able (and desires) to restore your life and set you back on the right path?

Read Matthew 6:33 and Colossians 3:1-4