Monday, August 10, 2009

Drifting: Part Two

Part Two: Getting the Right Directions
Teacher: Shawn Cooper

SCRIPTURES FROM SUNDAY: 1 Kings 2:1-4, Matthew 6:32-33

Q: If you had one last chance to share with someone important to you, what would you want to tell them? Do you think the focus of that conversation would reflect what you wish had spent more time focusing on in life? Why?

Q: Have you ever felt like your life was more focused on God's rules than God Himself? What do you think happens we we get so focused on rules that we lose focus on God?

Q: Why do you think David tells Solomon to "observe what the Lord your God requires" before he tells him to obey Him? What does it mean to observe?

Q: Do you find yourself struggling to trust God? Why do you think this is?

Q: Do ever feel like your struggle to trust God leads to disobedience? General example: You know you should give financially as an act of worship, but you fear that if you give, God won't provide the money you need to pay your bills.

Q: How does it make you feel to know that God blesses your life when you live by His design? How has God proved this in your life already?

Q: Read Matthew 6:32-34. How do you think your life would be different if you made a point to seek Him first, before making decisions or forming plans?

Q: What is it in your life that your "running after" instead of seeking God first?


1. Each day this week, before the you get started, take a few minutes to ask God to keep you mindful of Matthew 6:32-34 throughout the day.
2. Before your schedule fills up this week, create a plan and secure some time each day to spend with God. Commit to this time as the most important "appointment" of your day.

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