Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stand Alone Teaching- Fruitcake & Ice Cream 3/21/10

This Sunday's teaching came via a DVD called "Fruitcake & Ice Cream". Since it is copyrighted material, we aren't offering it as a pod cast. You can find the DVD for purchase widely on the web.

If you were able to be a part of our gathering this week, use the questions below for discussion and/or further reflection.


2 Corinthians 5:13-21


· This teaching defined grace as “God at work, doing for us what we can’t do for ourselves”. How does that compare to your understanding of grace? Based on this explanation, how have you experienced grace lately?

· Share your thoughts/feelings about the following statements from this teaching: “Grace is the thing that sets our (the Christian) story apart from others (religions).” “When you get grace, it will get you.”

· What do you think the difference is between Louie’s picture of Jesus signing or stamping our cards to get us into heave vs. Jesus becoming our sins and paying for them on the cross?

· Do you think of yourself as being “the righteousness of God” (vs. 21)? Why/why not? How would your life change if you did?

· Do you ever “lose your mind for God” (vs. 13a) when you think about God’s goodness? If so, when? How?

· Have you ever contained your excitement about God and “stayed in your right mind” (vs. 13b) so that your friends who don’t know God’s grace will get it? When/how?

· What do you think about the statement: “If you never live in the tension of being excited about God and yet restraining your excitement for God to help others come close to the cross- then maybe you don’t get grace.”

· Did God use someone like “fruitcake” to show and tell you about His grace? Are you someone’s “fruitcake” right now? If so, what is the “ice cream” you use as a common point of friendship and connection?

· Who do you know who needs grace? Have you been praying for them regularly? If not, will you start?

NEXT WEEK: New series starts! "For a Change- How Spiritual Transformation Happens"

1 comment:

phairow said...

I haven't tried it with ice cream but I shur like B B Goddards fruitcake :)