Friday, April 23, 2010

Here In Your Presence: 4.25.10


Psalm 46:10

John 3:6-7

Ephesians 1:13-14

Psalm 91:1-2

John 10:10

John 8:44

Philippians 4:13

Matthew 19:26

Romans 8:31

John 10:27

2 Corinthians 9:8

Jeremiah 29:11-13


  • Do you ever feel like spending time with God is doing something for God? Does it feel like something you have to do? Why do you think that is?

  • How often do you spend time in God’s presence? Daily? Weekly? What does your time with God typically look like?

  • How does your life compare to being “still” in Psalm 46:10? What’s the pace of your lifestyle?

  • Have you ever had a moment when you were still enough to realize or remember that God is LORD? If so, how did you respond?

  • READ 91:1-2 and pinpoint all of the words that relate to God as Protector. How does it make you feel to know that God loves and desires to protect you?

  • Do you ever find yourself buying into Satan’s lies? If so, what lies have you allowed to define you in your life? On the other side, what promises from God have you forgotten?

  • Have you ever struggled to understand God’s plan for you? Ever been at crossroads in life, just trying to figure out what to do? What encouragement can you find from Jeremiah 29:12-13 and how do you think this applies understanding God’s plan for you?

  • Do you sometimes get so focused on getting something from God that you fail to appreciate the value of spending time with Him?

  • How does it make you feel to know that God is not a means to your purpose, rather He is your purpose? Or, that you don’t spend time with God to be loved, but you spend time with God because you are loved? How do you think this understanding can encourage you with spending time with God?

  • Apart from this message, what other practical reasons for spending time in God’s presence do you find in Scripture? Which ones resonate with you the most?


Make a point to spend time with God each day. Identify those times in your schedule protect them. Ask God to help you spend more time with him – not as something to check off your to-do list, but something that is meaningful and fruitful. And remember, God loves you. You’re not spending time with Him so that He will love you, you’re invited to spend time with Him because He does love you! Keep encouraged!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

In A Nutshell

Miss the teaching conversation on Sunday? Listen in via our POD CAST.


2 Corinthians 5:17-19; Ephesians 4:13, 15-16; Mark 10:45, Luke 19:10; Matthew 22:37-40; Micah 6:8; Deuteronomy 6:4-9


· When it comes to communication, are you a short and sweet and to the point? Or do you tend to give the long version of the story? Give an example.

· In a sentence or less, describe: yourself, your best friend, your spouse, your kids, your passion, your biggest dream, Jesus, your church community. Is this easy or difficult for you? Why?

· Other than the examples in the scriptures above, can you think of a time in the Bible where big truths are summed up in a nutshell?

· Can you think of a “nutshell” truth about life, wok, relationships, etc. that you carry with you each day and try to practice?

· What do you think about the suggestion that Connections is about: Building Relationships That Change Things? In your opinion, does that seem to mesh well with what you know about the story of God and Jesus? What you see at/in Connections?

· We talked about building relationships with God, Other Believers and the World. Which comes easiest for you? Which is tougher/needs more work?

· Is it helpful to be reminded that we’re “building” relationships? Why/Not?

· Have you ever seen a relationship change someone? Explain.

· How have you changed or grown in the past year? In your relationship with God? Other believers? The World?

· Has any “thing” changed for you as a result of being a part of Connections? If so what?

Monday, April 12, 2010

For A Change Week 3- Want to change? You've Got To Get Unwrapped

Weren't able to hear the teaching conversation in person this weekend? Catch up with OUR PODCAST.


John 11:38-44, 12:1-2, 9-11; Romans 6:8-13; Ephesians 4:1b-6, 11-16


· Name something you are “in process” with. How long have you been working on this? Are you comfortable with things that take a while to unfold- or do you prefer to put your energy into stuff you can complete relatively quickly?

· Lazarus was buried according to the customs of his day wrapped in strips of cloth. Does it strike you funny that Jesus calls Lazarus to come out of the tomb knowing his hands, feet and face were still bound? Why didn’t Jesus just have a couple of people carry Lazarus out of the grave?

· In addition to getting unwrapped from the burial cloths, what else might Lazarus’ recovery process have included after being dead for 4 days? Do you see any parallels for our spiritual growth process?

· Are there any parts of your life where you still feel bound? Where you need strengthening? That you have been offering to other things but want to start offering to God instead? Name them and talk with God/others about them.

· Do you think it is significant that Jesus asked other people to help Lazarus get free of His grave clothes? Who has God sent to help you in your process of discovering new life in Jesus and growing toward maturity? Take a minute offer prayers of thanksgiving for them.

· After some time passes, Jesus stops to have dinner with Lazarus on His way to face His own death in Jerusalem. Why might Jesus have wanted to see Lazarus at that particular time?

· What effects does Lazarus’ resurrection have on those who see him afterward? How do you think Lazarus felt about becoming a target? About helping others start believing in Jesus? Do you think we face the same tension as Jesus’ people today?

· Lazarus was a living billboard for what Jesus can do. Are you? Who is watching your life for signs of God’s love, power and transformation? Who has God placed in your life so that you can help them get unwrapped? Pray for them and for your own witness.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

For A Change Week 2- Want to change? It's Going To Be Messy

Weren't able to hear the teaching conversation in person this weekend? Want to hear it again? Listen with OUR PODCAST.


John 11:17-39, Colossians 3:9-10, 12-15


· Name something that is messy or leaves you stinky, but is rewarding/worth it.

· Agree or Disagree- “Most significant change includes steps back as well as steps forward.”

· In your experience, do churches paint a vision for spiritual growth that includes some mess and odor? If not, why not? If so, how is that picture helpful?

· Which are harder for you to deal with- your own messes- or others’? Why?

· Do you identify with Martha’s spiritual inconsistency- professing great faith one moment and acting doubtful a short while later? What has this looked like in your life?

· Do you think it is possible to grow in your relationship with God without ever getting messy and falling short? Can you think of any well-known figure in the Bible (aside from Jesus) who doesn’t stink a bit?

· Fred suggested that Martha reeks of disappointment in John 11. When could the same be said for you? When did you expect God to show up in a certain way at a certain time only to be disappointed?

· What do you think it meant to Mary and Martha to see Jesus break down and cry with them (3x in this chapter)? Have you ever sensed that God is mourning or hurting with you?

· Re-read Colossians 3:12-15. Do you see yourself more as the person extending these qualities to others- or needing them from yourself? Why?