"Advice is worth way you pay for it."
Ever said that? Why? Probably because your were giving someone free advice and didn't want them to expect too much. Or maybe because you were facing an important situation and needed to pay for a professional opinion. God offers us His insights. They are free, BUT NOT CHEAP. What does it mean to "buy truth"? Proverbs suggests several costs involved with getting God's advice.GRAB IT
God puts His words and ways out there. (Proverbs 1:20-23) But they aren't forced on us. We have to decide if we want to RECEIVE THEM. Proverbs paints our quest for wisdom like a treasure hunt. The other day I saw a special about Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. Pay a few bucks and you can search for diamonds. In the last 30 years, 19,000 have been found. Just this summer a 13 year old girl turned up this 3 carat diamond (see pic). Anyone up for a road trip to Arkansas? The possibility of finding treasure can drive us to spend a lot of time and energy to find it. That's one of the pictures God gives us about His wisdom. IF we want it, ask for it, work at it, ingest it- THEN we'll find it. Getting wisdom comes from grabbing it.
Listening to good advice is a good step, but just a first step. That advice is only valuable to us, if we use it. For those of us who love to learn, the temptation is to keep acquiring information, but NEVER ACTING ON IT. Wisdom is innately practical. It is supposed to GO SOMEWHERE. For me, this is one of the greatest challenges. Although I've got a long way to go, I've had lots of opportunities to grab God's wisdom. Now I need to use what I already know. What if you didn't learn anything new about God for the next 6 months, but instead focused on doing what you've already learned? Where would you start? What might happen?
My wife loves the tv show The Biggest Loser. I'll admit that it is compelling. People who have struggled with obesity get really good advice about fitness and nutrition and start using it. The results are often amazing. Last season's winner lost 164 pounds- nearly half of his body weight. Inevitably, the contestants realize that what they need is more than a diet or exercise program. They need a new way of living. God has THE SAME THING in mind for us. Grabbing wisdom is a good start, practicing God's ways are important, but the payoff comes when they BECOME A PART OF US.
Q: In my life, where am I settling for less than what I really want because I'm not willing to pay the price to change?
Q: What would it mean for me to pay the price for God's advice today? Do I need to grab the wisdom? Start using what I already know? Focus on owning it and making my faith a lifestyle?
Q: Where and how could I start? Who could I dialogue with about this stuff?
Listening to good advice is a good step, but just a first step. That advice is only valuable to us, if we use it. For those of us who love to learn, the temptation is to keep acquiring information, but NEVER ACTING ON IT. Wisdom is innately practical. It is supposed to GO SOMEWHERE. For me, this is one of the greatest challenges. Although I've got a long way to go, I've had lots of opportunities to grab God's wisdom. Now I need to use what I already know. What if you didn't learn anything new about God for the next 6 months, but instead focused on doing what you've already learned? Where would you start? What might happen?

My wife loves the tv show The Biggest Loser. I'll admit that it is compelling. People who have struggled with obesity get really good advice about fitness and nutrition and start using it. The results are often amazing. Last season's winner lost 164 pounds- nearly half of his body weight. Inevitably, the contestants realize that what they need is more than a diet or exercise program. They need a new way of living. God has THE SAME THING in mind for us. Grabbing wisdom is a good start, practicing God's ways are important, but the payoff comes when they BECOME A PART OF US.
Q: In my life, where am I settling for less than what I really want because I'm not willing to pay the price to change?
Q: What would it mean for me to pay the price for God's advice today? Do I need to grab the wisdom? Start using what I already know? Focus on owning it and making my faith a lifestyle?
Q: Where and how could I start? Who could I dialogue with about this stuff?
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