From Sex to…Work???
Feels a bit uneven doesn’t it? Although work isn’t a hot button topic, it is something most of us spend about a third of our lives doing. Pile on top of that the fact that our working lives can be a major source of stress, and it’s easy to see why God would have a lot to say about our need to be productive. The overarching message in the scriptures on this topic seems to be that WORK IS GOOD.
Made To Work
One of the first things we learn about God in the Bible is that God is busy. God is working, productive, active. As a part of this work, God creates humans, places them in a paradise, AND gives them work to do. Catch that, paradise and work are congruent terms in God's design. Not our usual picture of utopia, huh?
Working Pays Off
Why do most of us work? The default answer is: because we have to. And while it is true that working helps pay the bills, could it be that we work for other reasons?
In hard work there is always something gained, but idle talk leads only to poverty. (Prov. 14:23)What do we gain from working, besides money? Character. Experience. Discipline. Fulfillment. Self-Esteem. Satisfaction. Maybe work isn't such a bad thing after all. And it is probably important to note here that our most fulfilling work may not come with a paycheck, but rather as we use the passions, gifts, abilities and experiences to serve others. (I'm tempted to talk in terms of "ministry" here, but realize that most of us would opt out thinking this doesn't apply to us. However, I believe Jesus would strongly disagree.)
Work = Worship
Do those words even go together? Isn't worship just what we do in church gatherings? Gratefully no. The scriptures picture worship as anything we do to show honor, respect, affection and even submission to our Maker. Including work. Since work consumes so much of our time and energy, this is good news. Go to work thinking that God is really your boss and see if it doesn't change the way you work. And by the way, it may also change other's opinions of you (and your God too).
Laziness Is Bad
Although the book of Proverbs has lots to say about our need to be productive, it speaks more frequently against laziness. (18 times in 31 chapters) If work is good, then an unwillingness to be productive and contribute must be bad. More than bad, the Bible equates laziness with stealing. Laziness steals from our employers. An unwillingness to work can also steal our dreams. And the cumulative effect of laziness can rob us of our futures.
Q: Do you usually talk about your work in positive or negative terms? Are you more prone to see the goodness of work or the frustrations first?
Q: What do you do to pay the bills? Is this your real “work” that you feel God has given you to do? If not, what is? Do you have an outlet for that?
Q: What opinion might your boss, co-workers and clients have about God/Jesus based on the way you work?
Q: Have you ever thought about your work life as a valid and vital form of worship? In these terms, what is your working life saying to God?
Q: Have you seen God give you opportunities to help others see Him or experience His love through your job?
Genesis 2:1-3, 7-8, 15; Proverbs 14:23, 12:11, 13:4, 22:29, 25:13, 18:9, 10:26, 21:25, 24:30-34; Colossians 3:22-24
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