Desperate Times Call For...
...self-guided field surgery??? Well, not usually. But that's what happened to Sampson Parker when his hand got caught in a corn picker. Listen to Sampson tell his story on the Today show. Maybe we haven't faced the choice of having to cut off our own arm to save our life, but chances are we've all been in desperate situations. One redeeming quality of these challenging times? They often lead us to turning points. That's exactly what happened for a lady with health issues who encountered Jesus.
Might As Well Try God
When we find ourselves facing urgent times, we're forced to be proactive- trying things we've never considered before. Including God. The Bible tells the story of an unnamed woman who had struggled with health issues for 12 years. Somehow, she hears of Jesus' reputation as a healer and decides to take a shot and track him down. Seeking healing from Jesus isn't the her first attempt at getting well. She tried lots of cures, spent lots of money- and actually got worse. Sounds like us. When we're struggling, sometimes God is the last person we turn to. Instead we try lots of other things. Some not only fail to help us, but they actually degrade our situation.
The God Who Lets Us Touch HimI've been paying a bit more attention to this election cycle than normal. One thing I've noticed? Everyone wants to touch the presidential candidates. Be it a handshake, hug, high five or pat on the back- most folks want to get a little piece of their favorite candidate. I think Jesus can relate. In the middle of a touch-hungry crowd, Jesus feels one particular hand- and the desperate faith that fueled it.
What makes this story more amazing is that this lady shouldn't have been touching Jesus at all. According to Jewish law and customs her constant bleeding made her "unclean". Anything and anyone she touched would become "unclean". Polite protocol dictated that if you were unclean you kept your distance from others. You informed them so that they could keep their distance from you. (Kind of like when we tell people we're sick before they shake our hands.) And you certainly didn't touch others (esp. a miracle working Rabbi) without their permission.
Personally, I'm glad that her desperation led this lady to touch Jesus. It gives me hope that God lets us touch Him even though we too are unclean- undeserving- sinful. And catch this, Jesus feels her touch. And she feels His power. Sounds personal doesn't it? And isn't that what we're hoping for when we're desperate? Not just a rescue from our crisis, but an up close and personal interaction with the God who responds to our touch?
Love, Acceptance & Peace
Jesus refuses to let this desperate woman stay anonymous. Even though he's got pressing business to attend to, Jesus stops and forces her to tell her story. Why? To set her free. With 10 words, Jesus changes this woman's direction in life.Jesus told her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace!"
To start with, Jesus restores her standing in society. He not only pronounces her healed and fit for social interaction again- but Jesus speaks to her in endearing terms. Suddenly this isolated pariah has become the envy of the entire crowd. I love it when Jesus does stuff like this. Don't you?
On top of that, Jesus points her towards a new, peaceful path in life. No longer will her illness define and consume her. Now she is free to live for other things. Isn't this God's desire for us as well? To set us free from the sin and distractions that monopolize our lives so that we can live in peace and wholeness?
Q: Describe a time when you faced a situation that felt desperate. Did it resolve? How?
Q: Do you think we can still touch God today? How? What ways are most meaningful/helpful to you?
Q: Has your opinion of yourself ever stopped you from reaching out to touch God? Because you felt like a "nobody" when it comes to faith? Because you felt "unclean"? Something else? What should we do when that happens?
Q: Have you ever felt God's touch? How? What happened?
Q: Jesus set this woman free with two sentences. What could He say to you today that would do the same for you?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Posted by
Friday, May 23, 2008
Labels: desperation, faith, freedom, peace, touching God
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