Ever noticed how hard it is to be original at Christmas? For the most part we do the same stuff every year- sing the same songs, watch the same shows, eat the same food, put up the same decorations, throw the same parties, etc. And we like it that way. Originality is not encouraged this time of year. We like Christmas to feel, sound and taste familiar.Take our catch phrases for example: "Happy Holidays". This generic phrase could fit any of a dozen days, but none of us probably uses it outside of December. How about "Joy To The World"? Surely the world could use joy all year- but you won't find us vocalizing it the other 11 months. Then there's the subject of this post, "Peace On Earth". When was the last time you heard that other than Christmas- or the occasional beauty pageant? The idea that we could find peace, both personally and on a grand scale, is associated with this season. Why? Maybe because the event that first launched the Christmas phenomenon is God's plan to grant the deep desire inside most human hearts for peace. Check out this excerpt from the Christmas story in the Bible.
God has a knack for irony. When He wants to send a message of peace He nearly scares the poor shepherds working the night shift half to death. Apparently the Lord hasn't heard of setting the mood. Or maybe God just likes to do things a bit differently than we would. Look at what Jesus said about the peace He came to offer. It is different. On occasion we can produce a bit of peace on our own- by overeating, shopping, going to movies, etc. Often our peace lasts about as long as our indulgence. The peace that Jesus came to offer is different. It has a depth and breadth to it that ours doesn't. So much so that it sticks with us in the moments when we should be anything but peaceful. ("Peace that passes understanding" I think they call it.) God also uses different methods to set things right. We try to bring about peace with agression- beating and bullying others toward our will. Jesus chooses to sacrifice Himself instead.
Humans are mostly selfish. We think about ourselves and the people we care about. But the peace God offers through the Christmas story isn't just for us. Or our loved ones. Or the people we like. Or who are like us. God offers His peace to EVERYONE. The good news about the peace making Savior is for all people. Jesus came to earth and sacrificed Himself to bring us all back to our Maker. He erased the lines and broke down the walls that separate us not only from God, but from each other as well. The diverse characters in the Christmas story give us a glimpse into God's desire to welcome everyone. God involves the old and the young, the white collar and blue collar, the reputable and the disreputable, the insiders and outsiders, the rich and the poor, the nationals and the foreigners. Why are we so slow to catch on to God's heart for inclusion?
GOD WANTS US TO PURSUE PEACE WITH EACH OTHERIf Jesus came to fulfill God's promise of peace on earth, why is there still so much conflict? It's been 2000 years since The Arrival yet wars, divorce, lawsuits, gossip, etc. are as prevalent as ever. Where is the peace God promised? Why can't we all just get along? If you resonate with that question, check out the lyrics to U2's "Peace On Earth". (Bono says it better than I can.)
While the question and emotions in this song are valid, I think the sentiment is missing something. Peace requires serious effort. Harmony won't be accomplished with a warm wishes and pixie dust. Jesus blesses the PEACE-MAKERS- not the peace accepters or peace receivers. Being at peace with others takes hard work. But should that surprise us? If Jesus brought peace through humility & sacrifice- and we're following in His steps- won't the same be required of us? This may also explain why God's desire for harmony hasn't been fully realized yet.
Q: How do you find peace in your daily life? What, if anything, do you find peaceful about the Christmas season?
Q: Are you at peace wtih God right now? If not, what is standing in your way?
Q: Why do you think there isn't more peace in the world? In your opinion is it harder to fight or make peace?
Q: What do you think about Jesus' assertion that making peace with others is more important in the moment than offering a gift to Him in worship? (See Matthew 5:23-24).
Q: How do you feel about God loving all people groups? Is there anyone you think is beyond His peace? What could/are you doing to embrace God's desire to erase dividing lines and bring people together?
Q: Is there anyone you need to try and make peace with? How/when could you start?
Monday, December 22, 2008
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Monday, December 22, 2008
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