LISTEN IN: Miss the Sunday teaching conversation? Listen in HERE.
TRY IT: Nurture your health, relationships and soul by building the habit of rest into your life.
- Create your own definition of what is “restful”. What would a perfect day of rest look like for you? What activities refresh and relax you? What enables you to connect with the people you love?
- Reflect on your current patterns of busyness and rest. Sit down with your calendar. When & how often do you rest? Is it happening enough? What is the reading on your “energy gauge” right now?
- Schedule times of rest. Block out times of rest on your calendar for the next month- aiming for at least 1 full day (even if it comes in pieces) every week. Treat these times as sacred.
- Rest daily. Make it a goal to get 8 hours of sleep each night this week and do whatever it takes to make that happen: turn off the TV, cut off the caffeine earlier, exercise, etc.
- Practice a “Sabbath” day this month. No work, to do lists or difficult conversations allowed. Start the night before with a good dinner. Go to bed asking God to give you rest. Spend the next day doing things that allow you to be refreshed and nourish your relationship with God and connections with others- even if it means not doing much at all.
- Identify something in your life that takes a lot of time and energy and rest from it. Ex: No time on the computer at home.
- “The Rest of God” by Mark Buchanan
- “Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest” by Wayne Muller
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