Monday, October 12, 2009

Sync - Connection With God Through Scripture

HEAR IT: If you missed Sunday’s teaching conversation, you can listen to it HERE.

Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:16, Psalm 119: 10-16, Hebrews 4:12, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 3:15, John 16:33, James 1:22-25.

Make a point to engage God through the Scriptures each day this week. Below you will find some practical steps to help you with that process.

READ IT: Read through Psalm 119 and write down all the different ways the Psalmist speaks about connecting with God through Scripture. What ways seem appealing to you? What ways seem difficult?

THINK ABOUT IT: (1) How do you typically approach Scripture? (2) Do you find connecting with God through Scripture easy or difficult? Why?

TRY IT: Select one verse from the Bible that God has used to speak into your life. Once you have selected your verse, use it as you practice the following disciplines this week:

  • Memorize it: Rehearse the verse repeatedly until you have committed it to memory.

  • Meditate on it: With an open mind, concentrate on the verse, look over each word, and allow God to reveal His Truth to you.

  • Study it: Dig beneath the surface and answer these three simple questions to help give a bigger picture of the passage: (1) Who is the author? (2) Who is the author writing to? (3) For what purpose is the author writing?

  • Obey it: Take some time to consider how this verse applies to your life and then obey it by putting it into practice.

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