Saturday, July 31, 2010

Offerings Week 4- We're Going To Need A Bigger Bucket

Didn't get to hear the teaching conversation on Sunday? No problem, you can join in via our PODCAST.

Scriptures From Sunday: Romans 12:1-2, 6:1-13; 1 Peter 2:4-5; Matthew 11:28-30, 10:37-39


Talk about some times when you found yourself in situations that were bigger/more involved than you expected. Give both a positive and a negative example if you can.

Have you ever had moments like this with God? When have you realized that your pictures and perceptions of Him & what He wants for you have been way too small?

When was the last time you needed some guidance on what was “appropriate”? What was the setting/occasion?

If you were mentoring a newer follower of Jesus, how would you describe an “appropriate offering” to them?

Spend time in the Romans 12 & 6 passages above. Based on what you read there, how would you describe the offerings and response God is looking for from us? How does this mesh with your ideas about giving?

Do you consistently see/think of yourself as a temple where God lives and a priest who offers him/herself as a living sacrifice (1 Peter 2:4-5)? How can we maintain this kind of focus? What impact might this perspective have on the way we go throughout our day?

Have you ever offered someone something you thought was significant (a gift, your love or friendship, etc.) and gotten a disproportionate response back? How did that feel?

Do you think we can fully receive the life Jesus offers us without offering all of ourselves to Him? Does this shed any light for you on some of Jesus’ difficult and extreme statements? (See Mt. 10:37-39)

When you read things in the Bible like, “offer yourselves as living sacrifices” do you long for more “how-to” specifics? Does what Jesus says in Matthew 11:28—30 give you any insight into where/how we are to learn more about the parts of our faith that aren’t clearly spelled out?

When was the last time you “offered” God some part of your day or life that wasn’t overtly religious (ex. church, Bible reading) or where you didn’t feel a great need for His help? Do you believe that God can take pleasure in all the parts of your life? Are there any parts of yourself that you have been withholding from Him or offering in the other direction?

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