Scripture From Sunday:
Matthew 22:36-38
Proverbs 4:23
Matthew 15:18-19
Psalm 51:10 (NIV & The Message)
Hebrews 4:12
Galations 2:19-20
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Psalm 131:1-2
Romans 12:2
Ephesians 5:15
Teaching Overview:
Jesus' statement in Matthew 22:36-38 is a widely known passage in the Bible: Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
Most people could recite this verse, even people who are disconnected or uninterested in Christianity. These words are printed on mugs. Framed in art. Preached on countless times a year across the world.
But what does it really mean to love God with our heart, soul and mind? Jesus could have been very general here, but He wasn't. He didn't just command us to love Him with everything we are in a general sense; in this passage, He gives us three specifics as to how we love him with everything we are.
If you missed Sunday's message, you can check it out HERE. Below are a few questions for further reflection and discussion:
- How would you describe love in your own words? Is it an emotion or a decision? Why?
- When you think about your heart, what comes to mind?
- Read what King Solomon states about the heart in Proverbs 4:23. How does his caution cause you to rethink your thoughts on your heart?
- Jesus makes a strong statement in Matthew 15:18-19 that all unclean things come from the heart. How does Jesus' statement relate to King Solomon's?
- Do you ever find yourself living with a filter, trying desperately to monitor your behavior so nothing ungodly leaks out?
- Why do you think a filter conflicts with what God wants to do in your heart? Read Psalm 51:10 and consider how David's cry reflects God's focus - the heart; cleansing and purifying us at the source.
- Have you ever thought much about your soul? When you think of it, what comes to mind?
- Hebrews 4:12 refers to the Bible's ability to "divide soul and spirit" in us. In other words, the Bible has the capacity and power to make room in us for God to lead? Can you remember a time when this happened to you? Explain.
- In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds his readers that Christians "were bought at a price" and are called to live for God's glory, not self-desires. How are you being intentional to make sure God has room to lead in your life? Explain a time when you made the decision to quiet your soul so that God could lead.
- The Bible tells us that loving God with our mind is more than just thinking good thoughts and rebuking bad ones. In fact, Paul states in Romans 12:2 that our mind needs to be renewed completely - rewired according to God's wisdom, which is completely different than the world's. Can you recall something specific in your worldview that God has been reshaping? Explain.
- Our thoughts influence our beliefs and our beliefs shape our actions. Do you agree? If so, how has this proven true in your own life?
I love how Shawn's discussion questions (Where does love begin?) jumped into his sermon, and at the same time played off how Scripture sometimes differs from the textbook Sunday School answers. I was ready for another love-is-an-act-of-the-will-and-not-a-feeling sermon, so I expected that the "right answer" to Shawn's question was that love originates in the will or the mind. He pointed to Christ's definition of love, however, which is much more demanding, comprehensive, and challenging than our pat "Sunday School" answers might lead us to believe.
Thanks for being challenging, Shawn. I'll miss you.
Thanks for the kind words. So glad God spoke to you as clearly as He continues to challenge me with this message. I'll truly miss the entire Connections community a great deal.
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