Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is It Normal? Week 1- Is it normal to fluctuate between faith and doubt?

Miss Sunday's Teaching Conversation? You can listen in with our PODCAST.

Scriptures From Sunday: Matthew 14:22-32; 2 Timothy 2:11-14a

When is the last time you wondered if something you experienced (in any area of life) was normal- or if it was just you? When were you last able to re-assure someone else who had these kinds of questions?

Have you ever fluctuated between trusting Jesus and doubting? Feeling so confident in your faith and questioning? Being courageous and fearful? Why? What happened? How long did it last? How did it resolve?

Do you think of the story of Peter walking on the water as a story that is more about faith or doubt? Why?

What is there in/about this story that would lead you to believe that Peter showed great faith?

“Moments of victory and faith are often followed by times of challenge and doubt.” Agree or disagree & explain. Has this played out in your life?

In your opinion, were Peter’s doubts and concerns while walking on the water unfounded or legitimate? What kinds of things are distracting you and making you take your eyes off of Jesus? Are they legitimate or unfounded?

How do you imagine Jesus responding to you when your faith fluctuates? What look do you picture on His face? What tone do you hear in His voice? Do you believe He would immediately close the gap to rescue you like He did Peter?

“You have so little faith! Why did you doubt?” Do you read these words of Jesus as an expression of His disappointment and our failure- or more as a statement about our untapped potential when it comes to trusting? Explain.

Do you think that there is any significance to the fact that the wind and waves that distracted Peter stopped after they get back in the boat- not immediately when Jesus rescued Him? What might we learn from this?

Where would you place yourself in this story? What in this text, teaching or debrief speaks most to where you are with Jesus right now? Where do you want to go from here with Him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm disappointed that this series is only two weeks long. I got so much out of this sermon that it would be difficult even to scratch the surface.

I would like to hear so much more.