Monday, September 14, 2009

Invest Yourself In Your Mission


John 15: 1-2, 4-6,14-16, 26-27; Matthew 5:13-16, 28:16-20; Luke 4:16-22;


Q: What comes to mind when you think of “Missions” in churches? How do you think this matches Jesus’ ideas/desires?

Q: Why do you think Jesus talks about cutting off vines that produce no fruit or throwing out salt that doesn’t affect anything? Is Jesus trying to create a culture where we are constantly worrying if we are producing enough fruit? Trying to reinforce mission as a part of the identity of each of His followers? Something else?

Q: Go back through John 15 (see verses above) and Matthew 28:16-20 and note everything that Jesus says to assure us that the full weight of the mission doesn't rest on us. Looking at your completed list- what part(s) does God leave for us to play?

Q: How would you describe Jesus’ mission? How does the Luke 4 passage above mesh with the ways you’ve heard Jesus’ purposes described before?

Q: What are you doing to invest yourself in your church community’s part of Jesus’ mission?

Q: How would you describe your personal slice of Jesus’ mission? What gifts, abilities and passions has God given? Who does He send you to on a daily basis? How might your mission help our church flesh out our mission together?

New teaching series stars: “SYNC”

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