Sunday, September 20, 2009

SYNC- Connecting w/God by Confessing

Miss the conversation? You can listen to it HERE.

TRY IT: Practice the habit of confessing this week with one or more of the following actions:

1. Recite one of the following “confessions” 1 or 2 times each day:

§ John 1:1-5

§ Colossians 1:15-18

§ 1 Timothy 3:16

§ The Apostles’ Creed

§ OR do some research about the names and titles of Jesus and write your own confession.

2. Start your day by watching the “That’s My King” video. Watch and listen for words and phrases that highlight the elements of Jesus’ identity you need most in your life right now.

3. If you haven’t been baptized before and are ready to declare yourself a Jesus follower- make this confession at our Baptism Day next Sunday (9/27) after the worship gathering. Contact Fred Turner (919.233.1115 or with questions and/or to get details.

4. Make a commitment to un-filter your speech this week. Continue to be kind, gentle and thoughtful of others- but be more honest and open when discussing spiritual matters. For example:

· Tell people you are praying for them if that’s what you are doing.

· Say church if you mean church

· Use the name Jesus when appropriate

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