Sunday, September 27, 2009

SYNC- Connecting w/God by Unplugging

Miss the conversation? You can listen to it HERE.

SCRIPTURES: Psalms 65:1, 131; Revelation 8:1; Ecclesiastes 5:1-3; Habakkuk 2:20; Deuteronomy 27:9; 1 Kings 19:8-13

TRY IT: Practice the habit of unplugging this week with one or more of the following actions:

1. Identify the ways you are adding noise (and words) to your life each day (ex. Having music on all the time, hopping online when you have a free minute, etc). Whenever you find yourself doing this, stop and unplug.

2. Turn off the radio and the phone when you are in the car by yourself this week. Relax your mind and try not to think of all the things you need to do or deal with. Remember that God is present in the car with you and just enjoy a drive together.

3. Each time you pray this week, begin with one minute of silence. Use it to clear your mind and sit in the presence of our Holy and Almighty God. Remember that the conversation you are about to have is about more than the words you have to offer.

4. Set aside a time (ex. 5 or 10 mins) to spend with God in silence. If/when your mind begins to wander, acknowledge it, let it go and refocus on God with the phrase, “Here I am, Lord”.

5. Choose a day this week to fast from all extra noise and input. Turn off the tv, put down the magazine, put away the ipod, close the laptop, etc.

6. After your attempts to unplug from noise, spend some time processing (with a friend, in a journal, etc.). What was your experience with silence like? Did it teach you anything about yourself? About your relationship with God? How could you make unplugging a regular part of your life?

WANT TO LEARN MORE?: Check out “Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence” by Ruth Haley Barton.

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