Sunday, September 27, 2009

SYNC- Connecting w/God by Unplugging

Miss the conversation? You can listen to it HERE.

SCRIPTURES: Psalms 65:1, 131; Revelation 8:1; Ecclesiastes 5:1-3; Habakkuk 2:20; Deuteronomy 27:9; 1 Kings 19:8-13

TRY IT: Practice the habit of unplugging this week with one or more of the following actions:

1. Identify the ways you are adding noise (and words) to your life each day (ex. Having music on all the time, hopping online when you have a free minute, etc). Whenever you find yourself doing this, stop and unplug.

2. Turn off the radio and the phone when you are in the car by yourself this week. Relax your mind and try not to think of all the things you need to do or deal with. Remember that God is present in the car with you and just enjoy a drive together.

3. Each time you pray this week, begin with one minute of silence. Use it to clear your mind and sit in the presence of our Holy and Almighty God. Remember that the conversation you are about to have is about more than the words you have to offer.

4. Set aside a time (ex. 5 or 10 mins) to spend with God in silence. If/when your mind begins to wander, acknowledge it, let it go and refocus on God with the phrase, “Here I am, Lord”.

5. Choose a day this week to fast from all extra noise and input. Turn off the tv, put down the magazine, put away the ipod, close the laptop, etc.

6. After your attempts to unplug from noise, spend some time processing (with a friend, in a journal, etc.). What was your experience with silence like? Did it teach you anything about yourself? About your relationship with God? How could you make unplugging a regular part of your life?

WANT TO LEARN MORE?: Check out “Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence” by Ruth Haley Barton.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

SYNC- Connecting w/God by Confessing

Miss the conversation? You can listen to it HERE.

TRY IT: Practice the habit of confessing this week with one or more of the following actions:

1. Recite one of the following “confessions” 1 or 2 times each day:

§ John 1:1-5

§ Colossians 1:15-18

§ 1 Timothy 3:16

§ The Apostles’ Creed

§ OR do some research about the names and titles of Jesus and write your own confession.

2. Start your day by watching the “That’s My King” video. Watch and listen for words and phrases that highlight the elements of Jesus’ identity you need most in your life right now.

3. If you haven’t been baptized before and are ready to declare yourself a Jesus follower- make this confession at our Baptism Day next Sunday (9/27) after the worship gathering. Contact Fred Turner (919.233.1115 or with questions and/or to get details.

4. Make a commitment to un-filter your speech this week. Continue to be kind, gentle and thoughtful of others- but be more honest and open when discussing spiritual matters. For example:

· Tell people you are praying for them if that’s what you are doing.

· Say church if you mean church

· Use the name Jesus when appropriate

Monday, September 14, 2009

Invest Yourself In Your Mission


John 15: 1-2, 4-6,14-16, 26-27; Matthew 5:13-16, 28:16-20; Luke 4:16-22;


Q: What comes to mind when you think of “Missions” in churches? How do you think this matches Jesus’ ideas/desires?

Q: Why do you think Jesus talks about cutting off vines that produce no fruit or throwing out salt that doesn’t affect anything? Is Jesus trying to create a culture where we are constantly worrying if we are producing enough fruit? Trying to reinforce mission as a part of the identity of each of His followers? Something else?

Q: Go back through John 15 (see verses above) and Matthew 28:16-20 and note everything that Jesus says to assure us that the full weight of the mission doesn't rest on us. Looking at your completed list- what part(s) does God leave for us to play?

Q: How would you describe Jesus’ mission? How does the Luke 4 passage above mesh with the ways you’ve heard Jesus’ purposes described before?

Q: What are you doing to invest yourself in your church community’s part of Jesus’ mission?

Q: How would you describe your personal slice of Jesus’ mission? What gifts, abilities and passions has God given? Who does He send you to on a daily basis? How might your mission help our church flesh out our mission together?

New teaching series stars: “SYNC”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Invest Yourself In A Spiritual Community

If you want to listen to the teaching, check our PODCAST PAGE.


John 15:12-14, 17


Q: What levels of connectedness do I already have in my life?

Big Group- Being a part of a church community.

Mid-Sized Group- Hanging out with 15-50 people, often defined by a common interest, life-stage, task, etc.

Small Group- Sending time with 6-12 people learn often with the purpose of learning, serving or having fun together.

Inner Circle- Having a few friends that you regularly share life with outside of structured events.

Spiritual Friendship- Having another person or two who you are transparent with so that you can support and encourage each other in your lives with God.

Q: What’s my next step into community?

Q: Of the three actions we talked about on Sunday (being proactive, persistent & patient), which is most natural for me? Which is hardest? Which seems most timely right now?


“Invest Yourself In Your Mission”